
A 360° view of your institution that empowers performance at every level

Create economic efficiencies and improve student outcomes

It is no secret that technology has played an increasingly vital role in the education domain. From student information systems to eLearning software, schools are inundated with technology options that are meant to improve the teaching and learning experience but many times end up having staff feeling overwhelmed. Already faced with having to balance competing priorities, adding in the time required to learn and incorporate a new technology system (or two!) into the classroom can be frustrating. Further, with the wide array of solutions offered to educational institutions, making all of them work together can feel like a never-ending battle.

Technology is supposed to ease time and resource challenges, and facilitate the activities of teaching staff, administration, and students. Until now, institutions have been working with disparate programs that were developed in response to specific problems. MGRM Pinnacle, Inc. offers a solution that delivers comprehensive, end-to-end features and functionality through a suite of software, products, and services supporting the entire educational domain from pre-K through university; all on a single, integrated platform.

In an effort to streamline and create efficiencies across all departments in an institution, the MGRM Pinnacle solutions give our customers the tools they need to succeed. Organizations and institutions are no longer held back by the inefficiency of incompatible systems and complex technologies. All our online solutions are designed to integrate with a variety of compatible systems, data, and third-party applications, so customers can increase their functionality and meet their needs.
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A Single Platform for Multiple Systems

Whether it is monitoring student academic progress, tracking your institution’s budget, managing operational workflows, or hosting curriculum for your online classes, spreading these activities across a variety of different systems can derail your organization’s effectiveness and efficiency, not to mention put a serious strain on your budget. To help streamline your institution’s programs and procedures, our solution allows you to support all your institution's systems on one platform. With our single integrated platform, you can streamline your school’s activities and processes, realize economic efficiencies, eliminate redundancies, improve communications, and drive the performance of all the stakeholders across your entire institution.

Budget and Program Evaluation

With harsh realities such as global pandemics and worldwide financial downturns heavily impacting funding and resources available within the educational domain, policymakers and administrators alike are being asked to reevaluate the financial viability of their institution and programs. With the reports and robust analytical capabilities available through the M-Star solution, decisionmakers will have all the pertinent data at their fingertips to help make those tough decisions. Additionally, in case of unforeseen changes, budgets can be quickly updated to reflect the new reality and guide a new action plan.

Increase Graduation Rates

Dropout prevention is an important issue schools and districts battle on a yearly basis. There are several factors that impact a student’s decision to drop out of school, and many are out of the teacher’s hands. While a range of strategies is needed to improve high school graduation rates, our solution can help you provide credit recovery, quality summer learning programs, and many other opportunities for your students to take advantage of and achieve their goals for graduation.

Accomodate Multiple Learning Styles

Teachers and administrators are faced with the challenge of satisfying the needs of a diverse student population. Along with the variety of personalities and aptitudes, teachers also have to account for a variety of learning styles that require dynamic approaches to teaching concepts and lessons to students. While some students may excel with traditional teaching methods such as whiteboards and handouts, others may grasp concepts better in collaborative interactive environments. From auditory to kinesthetic, M-Star accommodates different learning styles and matches them with content and media tailored to the individual’s needs, thus helping students realize their full potential. Our program allows schools and institutions the opportunity to implement multiple solutions perfect for a spectrum of learning modalities - independent study, blended learning, or special education needs – all from a single platform.

Learn more about how we can help your institution

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